Truth About Cellulite-In the Vela Shape Cellulite Treatment

In the Vela Shape Cellulite Treatment

Vela Shape, cellulite treatment in the latest technology, Bi-Polar Radiofrequency (RF), infrared energy, negative pressure and tissue manipulation techniques that combine is a revolutionary device.

Infrared RF (radiofrequency) energy synergic combination of heating the skin allows the entry of oxygen into the cell.
Vacuum and specially designed rollers manipulate only by the skin provides a safe and efficient transfer of energy.

Get accelerate the energy metabolism (i.e. biolysis does), increases lymphatic drainage and reduce fat cells, allows downsizing. Click Here

Vela shape not heard any pain during treatment. 1 session lasts approximately 40 minutes. 8 sessions per week, including one once implemented. Vela shape treatment after sunbathing is not any drawbacks.

Consequently, the treated body area smaller in diameter and more uniform appearance are obtained on the surface of the skin.

Resentment and anger DE CAUSES DR. GÖNÜL ATEŞSAÇ that recent studies have shown that, obesity, weight gain, circulatory disorders in the brain have a code.

If you constantly angry and annoyed if we always wronged, we believe we constantly greasy and fortified foods fed, we exercise we do not do these codes via activation circulatory disorders and cellulite causes.

EVERYONE THAT INHERENT anger and rage case in the body of the hormone serotonin decreases, circulation weakens and especially regional Suitable lubrication (abdomen, hips and thighs) adiposity areas increase and decrease in circulation occurs as a result of cellulite.


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